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Hunter's Trace Board/Committee MembersBoard: Position: Name Email Phone # President: Kevin Boutwell [email protected] 352-351-8476 352-875-1367 VP: Cody Blair [email protected] 352-427-1632 Ann Mercer [email protected] 734-497-6721 Secretary: Debbie Lucus [email protected] 352-620-5766 Treasurer: Tim Bell [email protected] 352-624-0163
Committees: Entry & Beautification: No Landscape committee, but Diane VanFleet and Nancy Boutwell have worked on seasonal flowers Irrigation & Lighting: Tim Bell has been scheduling maintenance as needed. Architectural: Do not email requests for approval for changes to the exterior of your house for approval. You must wite up in detail what you want done and then make two hard copies of the document and deliver them to one of the committee members so they can make a decisionon what you want and deliver back to you a written approval. Nancy Boutwell: 352-351-8479 Jerry Sutley: 352-209-6866 Chuck Trout: 352-236-6642 ******************************************************** Webmaster: Robin Corsiglia 352-804-4690 [email protected]
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